{{title:words:10}} “When I first received an email, saying they wanted to use my art, I thought it was spam,” Biskup laughed. “But as soon as I was able to confirm it... VIEW {{title:words:10}} Follow along with Art in Embassies curators as they show the new artwork installed for the U.S. Consulate in Hermosillo. The collection serves as the dialog between American artists influenced... VIEW {{title:words:10}} {{excerpt:words:30}}... VIEW {{title:words:10}} {{excerpt:words:30}}... VIEW {{title:words:10}} In a charming fusion of Italian fresco techniques and Chinese brush painting, artist Cindy Shih traverses the complex interplay between tradition, identity, and narrative. Her journey, rooted in her Taiwanese... VIEW

Recent Media

Diego Olivero – U.S. Embassy Guatemala video

Collaboration is essential to Diego Olivero’s work, as his commitment to traditional methods and materials. Continuing his commitment to preserving ancestral techniques, the wool used in Símbolos Universales was sourced from the Western highlands of Guatemala. In the village of Momostenango, it was spun and dyed by master artisan weaver Luis Ponic. The weaving and embroidery […]

News and Media

Our collection of stories and news featuring Art in Embassies collections and exhibitions, artists and exchanges.

3 Questions Digital Series

3 Questions is a video interview series celebrating Art in Embassies lending artists. These artists represent a variety of backgrounds, mediums, and subject matter, and, through AIE, they have exhibited around the world. 

Our ever-expanding collection of conversations encompasses their journeys, creative processes, and what it means to them to be artists. 

“…The Art in the Embassies program is based upon the belief that it is important for Embassies of the United States to reflect current and traditional culture of this country in an effective manner.”

Congressional Record 1965

Artists from around the world who have exhibited with Art in Embassies
Over 60 years of international exhibitions
Artists engaging in cultural dialogue beyond the walls of the mission
International Lecture Series, Collaborations, and Partnerships